“Without my dog, my wallet would be full, my house would be clean but my heart would be empty.”
- Unknown
Meet Pembroke Welsh Corgi, FENRIS
Fun Fact:
Cardigan Welsh Corgies have full, foxlike tails.
Pembroke Welsh Corgies have a docked tail.
All Corgies are AMAZING.
FENRIS had his session at the Jacksonville Arboretum -- a great pet-friendly park with lots of paths to walk your dog on.
If you can't tell, Fenris is adorable and the sweetest little guy.
Don't you just love his tri-color markings?
Fenris' pawrent, Whitney D., is a dog trainer but Fenris would like everyone to know he was born perfect. (Though his impeccable training certainly made our work photographing him a walk in the park -- see what we did there?)